Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (2024)

We've just been introduced as a new character in chapter 2 part 1, and now we're continuing our journey in the Druid village to help cure a sick dwarf. Continue the full Chapter 2 guide below!

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Lost Lands 9 Full Walkthrough Guide - Chapter 2 Part 2

We still have lots to do in Chapter 2 as Maaron, leading up to his introduction to Folly, which we saw at the end of Chapter 1. Get ready for lots more puzzles and objects to find as we cure the Druid dwarf and uncover more secrets.

Since the chapters are so long, I've split them into multiple parts to make them easier to work through. Check out the previous or following parts linked below.

  • Chapter 1 Part 1
  • Chapter 1 Part 2
  • Chapter 2 Part 1
  • Chapter 3 Part 1
  • Chapter 3 Part 2

Keep reading below to finish up Chapter 2!

Table of Contents

Where to get all ointment ingredients and items

How to make healing ointment

How to treat all the dwarf's wounds

Where to find a book about Telepathy in Library sections

How to unlock the Lab door

Academy Lab

How to solve the Bottomless Bag puzzle

Where to get items for Talking Mask

How to unlock the puzzle piece chest

How to complete the Blank masks puzzle

How to solve the Talking Mask ritual puzzle

Trilly Valley River

Trilly Valley Stable

How to make the horse move

How to remove the fallen windmill

Trilly Valley Schoolyard

Where to collect all the boxes in School Barn

Trilly Valley School

Where to find the Chalkboard pieces

How to solve the Chalkboard puzzle

How to unlock the door in the school

How to put horseshoes on the horse

Where to find all horseshoes items

Trilly Valley Mine Camp

How to open the tunnel gate

Where to find all the Climber's kit item

How to solve the mining bench puzzle

At the end of part 1, we just finished opening the tree chest in the Druid sick tent. Now it's time to start collecting the items we need to make the ointment, as per the recipe page we found.

Where to get all ointment ingredients and items

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  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (2)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (3)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (4)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (5)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (6)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (7)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (8)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (9)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (10)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (11)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (12)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (13)

You can use the recipe page to help figure out everything we need for the ointment. As you find items, open the page and place the item on it to checkmark them off the list. Here's where to get everything you need:

  • Leaves of Healer's Tongue x3 - On tree where the chain lock was (After unlocking the chain)
  • Flask - Cauldron of utensils hanging in Druid Settlement (Use the Chain key to drop down the cauldron of tools. )
  • Bowl - Cauldron of utensils with the Flask
  • Leaves of Healer's Tongue x2 - Next to the Cauldron on the top left side
  • Leaves of Healer's Tongue x3 - Underneath the Idol at the Abandoned Castle
  • Tears of the Idol - On the Idol face at the Abandoned Castle (Use the flask to collect them)
  • Firefly ivy flowers - In the Abandoned Castle (where we previously unlocked the gate)
  • Leaves of the Healer's Tongue x2 - At the Waterfall near mossy log
  • Leaves of Healer's Tongue x1 - At Waterfall beside the Bush on the left side
  • Stem of beetle milk - Near purple flowers at the Waterfall
  • Leaves of Healer's Tongue x3 - Near the purple flowers with the Stem of beetle milk
  • Leaves of Healer's Tongue x1 - Next to the Waterfall basin on the left side
  • River silt - At the Waterfall (Move the rock out of the way and then scoop some using the Bowl)
  • Pollen of the forest fairy - In the tree on the left side at the Waterfall (Use the Shaft to shake them up a bit and then grab the pollen from the leaf of the Bush below)
  • Blood of the victim - On the dwarf's arm (Use the Sickle to scrap off dried blood)

Once you have everything, they will turn into the Set of ingredients in your Inventory. You can bring them over to the Scales desk in the sick tent to begin forming them into the ointment. Place them on the desk to get started.

How to make healing ointment

We can use the recipe page to help us create the ointment as well. Interact with it at the top right of the Scales desk for help. To measure all the ingredients for each cup evenly, you'll need to use the scale to weigh them. The numbers on the weights and cups should equal the same on each side to have a balanced mix. You can't use empty cups to balance; only cups with Silt in them. Here's how to do it:

  1. Place cup 2 on the right side with weight 3, place weight 5 on the left side and then pour the Silt into cup 2
  2. Place cup 2 on the left side with weight 5, place cup 7 on the right side and then pour the Silt into cup 7
  3. Place cup 2 and cup 7 on the right side, place cup 4 and weight 5 on the left side and pour Silt into cup 4
  4. Place cup 4 and weight 5 on the left side, place cup 6 and weight 4 on the right side and pour Silt into cup 6
  5. Place cup 6 on the left side, place cup 1 and weight 5 on the right side and pour Silt into cup 1

Now that you have all the Silt measured out into the cups, we can add the other ingredients.

  1. Add Blood of the victim into cup 7
  2. Add Tears of the idol into cup 6
  3. Add Pollen of forest fairy into cup 2
  4. Add Firefly ivy into cup 1
  5. Add Beetle milk juice into cup 4
  6. Use the Stir stick to stir each cup
  7. Add all the cups into the Bowl
  8. Stir the content of the Bowl with the Stir stick

When that last step has been completed, click on the Bowl to acquire your ointment. Head over to the dwarf to apply it. Place the Bowl, Bandages, and Tongue of the Healer leaves on the table beside him. Now, you can begin to treat the wounds. There are 15 of them total.

How to treat all the dwarf's wounds

  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (15)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (16)
  • Wound 1 - Forehead
  • Wound 2 - Neck (Turn his head)
  • Wound 3 - Right wrist (Lift his arm)
  • Wound 4 - Left bicep (Lift his sleeve)
  • Wound 5 - Chest (Open his shirt)
  • Wound 6 - Belly (Below chest wound)
  • Wound 7 - Left knee (Open pant leg)
  • Wound 8 - Right thigh (Open pant leg)
  • Wound 9 - Right ankle (Remove boot)
  • Wound 10 - Right foot
  • Wound 11 - Left back (Turn him over and open shirt)
  • Wound 12 - Mid back (Open shirt)
  • Wound 13 - Lower left back (Lift shirt)
  • Wound 14 - Left leg (Lift pant leg)
  • Wound 15 - Left thigh (Open pant leg)

Once all the wounds have been treated, a short cutscene will be triggered where you attempt to speak to the dwarf to figure out what happened. Unfortunately, he is in a state of shock and can't get any words out. You'll need to use a Telepathy spell. This will require a bit more research, so we're going to need to head back to the Academy. Hit the green arrow back until you're at the Academy, then continue to the Library.

Where to find a book about Telepathy in Library sections

In the Library, we're going to need to find the right book that will help us out with Telepathy. All the books are sorted into specific sections. Head through the sections area on the lower right side of the Library. Looking at the pulpit at the front of the Library will show you all the section categories. We need Spells, which is section 5. However, you're going to want to instead memorize the symbol beside it.

Continue down the Library sections corridor to see each section. Keep heading forward until you see the Spells symbol overhead, as shown in the image above. Now, look at the scroll on the pulpit on the left side to see each Spell category. The Telekinesis and telepathy category will be underlined. It is section 4 of the Spells. Click on the number 4 on the left side of the archway and then click on the books to find the one that we need.

We can make a Talking Mask to talk to the dwarf, but we'll need a few items. Before we head back to the Settlement, we can use the notes on the Telepathy book to open the Lab in the Academy.

How to unlock the Lab door

The notes on the Telepathy book told us the code to the Lab door. We'll need to input those exact symbols into the padlock to unlock it. You can check back and forth if you happen to forget or take a look at the image above to see which symbols you need.


Academy Lab

  • A1. Generator
  • A2. Herbarium pictures - Dry Rose
  • A3. Desk - Manuscript 6/8
  • (Collectible) On top of the sacks in the bottom left side - Rune stone 5/8
  • (Morphing Objects) Basket/Sack in the top right corner 25/45

In the Academy Lab, we can acquire a Dry Rose for our Talking Mask ritual by interacting with the Herbarium pictures on the left wall. The Generator at the center of the room we can open using our Personal Signet. We will come back to that chute later. We can also complete a bit of an experiment with the Bottomless bag. Look on the desk on the right side and you can begin this little puzzle.

How to solve the Bottomless Bag puzzle

To solve this puzzle, you'll need to draw in one consistent line a symbol given to us on the note. Only one will make the bag deep enough to fit the spear. You can draw a symbol and then test the depth of the bag by selecting the spear on the right side. Take a look at the image above to draw the symbol you need (Keep in mind it can be random for each person, so it might not be the same one for you). Then, grab the spear and place it inside to finish the puzzle to collect the Bottomless Bag.

With these items, we can head back to the Druid Settlement to work on completing our ritual for the Talking Mask. Head back through the Portal and to the Druid Tent.

Where to get items for Talking Mask

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  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (22)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (23)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (24)

You're going to need three different herbs for the ritual, a mask, and an altar. All of these are right in the Druid tent.

  • Mint - In the locked chest on the left side of the tent
  • Hot coals - Underneath the Cauldron in the Druid Settlement (Use the shovel beside it to scoop some up)
  • Dry Chamomile - In the vase on the table in the Academy Library
  • Dry Rose - In the Academy Lab in the Herbarium pictures
  • Ritual Mask - From the Academy Lab Generator (Collect the Blank masks from the Druid tent into the Bottomless Bag, then place them in the Generator chute and complete the puzzle shown below)

How to unlock the puzzle piece chest

This is probably one of the simpler puzzles to figure out. Basically, it works just like a regular puzzle, placing the pieces together into their all fit into one united shape. If you're struggling, take a look at the image above for some help on where to place each one. Once the chest is open, you can grab the Mint that is inside.

Once we have those ingredients, we need to take the Blank Masks from the Druid tent to the Generator to enhance them. Use the Bottomless Bag to store them and head back to the Academy Lab. Drop the Blank Masks into the Generator chute and complete the puzzle.

How to complete the Blank masks puzzle

This puzzle requires a keen eye. The goal is pick out all the masks with unique elements, meaning the ones that don't look like all the rest, until one desired mask remains. Take a look at the images above to help see which masks you need to pick out. Keep in mind that the masks may be in different positions for you, but they will be in the same order, so really look at the details. Once only two masks are left, they will combine into the Ritual Mask.

Now that we have everything we need for the Talking Mask, we can return to the Altar in the Druid Tent and carry out the ritual.

How to solve the Talking Mask ritual puzzle

With your ingredients, head to the Altar at the back of the Druid Tent. Place the Ritual Mask on the face, all three herbs into the bowls, and then use the Hot coals to light them. Then, you'll need to complete the puzzle by tracing a beam across all the lines. Like the other drawing puzzles, it must be one continuous line. Check the image above for reference.

Once the pattern is drawn, take the Talking Mask from the face of the statue and now we can take it back to the sick dwarf in the Sick Tent. Once you place the mask on the dwarf there will be another quick cutscene as Maaron uses the mask to hear the dwarf's testimony of what happened. The dwarf will tell us of Trilly Valley where Folly lives and give us the School key to go and investigate.

How to open a portal to Trilly Valley

Just like how we got to the Druid Settlement, we can use a Portal to get to Trilly Valley. Head back to the Academy Office and check the map with the tracing paper to see which symbol matches Trilly Valley. Then, head back to the Library Archive and retrieve the matching rune stone from the glass case (once again, it will be the only stone you can pick up so it will be easy to find).

With the rune stone, head to the Courtyard and look at Portal pedestal 1. This should have the matching symbol on it. Place the rune stone in the pedestal and you will have to complete a puzzle to open the portal.

How to solve the Trilly Valley portal puzzle

The goal of this puzzle is to move each chip across their individual boards until all the tiles are filled up with green. You can't backtrack so must find a continuous path though. Check the image above to see how I solved it. Once the puzzle is solved, the portal will open and you can head to Trilly Valley.

Trilly Valley River

  • B1. Ferry dock
  • B2. Oat plants
  • B3. Covered boat
  • B4. Stable
  • B5. Fallen windmill
  • (Collectible) On the path at the center of the area - Rune stone 6/8
  • (Morphing Obects) Shed/ruins in the distance just to the left of the house 26/45

A fallen windmill blocks the ferry from being able to cross to the other side of the river. We will need to find the right tools to sort it out. Check out the covered boat just beyond the dock and use your Sickle to cut the cover off. We will be able to come back to this later. Continue forward to the Stable.

Trilly Valley Stable

  • C1. Chest of drawers - Hammer, Set of tools
  • C2. Trough
  • C3. Horse Hooves - Key
  • (Collectible) Hanging on the left side of the stable - Dreamcatcher 6/7
  • (Morphing Objects) Tool on the right side of the stable 27/45

We need to collect tools to help us move the Fallen windmill. However, the chest of drawers has a compartment requiring a key. If you look at the Horse hooves, the key is on the ground below it. We'll need to get the horse to move out of the way to retrieve the key.

How to make the horse move

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  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (33)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (34)

To get the horse to move and grab our key, we will need to fill it's trough with water and oats. There are a few steps required to do this. Here's how:

  • Water - Grab the hammer from beside the chest and use it to open the barrel in the boat we uncovered by the dock. Then barrel can be used to scoop up the water from the river.
  • Oats - Check out the spot of plants growing on the right side of the dock and use your Sickle to cut some down.
  • Place the water and oats into the trough

Once you do this, the horse will move out of the way and you can grab the key. Take the key to the chest of drawers and use it to unlock the top. Now you can grab the Set of tools. With the Set of tools, head to the Fallen windmill and use them to start the removal process.

How to remove the fallen windmill

The goal is remove each plank of the windmill so we can move it out of the way. You'll need to select each plank in the right order to successfully complete this. The best way to do this is to look for any piece that is on the very top, not being blocked by any others. If it's being blocked, it will turn red when you click on it. Take a look at the image above for help.

When enough boards have been removed, the windmill will fall into the water. However, it's still blocking our path. We will need something to push it away. Head back to the Stable and grab the Pitchfork leaning against the right side. Then, use the Pitchfork to push the windmill down the stream. Now you'll have access across the river by pressing the crank to your left.

Trilly Valley Schoolyard

  • D1. School door
  • D2. Barn door
  • (Collectible) Hanging on the post on the left side of the school - Dreamcatcher 7/7
  • (Morphing Objects) Toy/bucket beside the fountain on the left side of the screen 28/45

Once you get to the Schoolyard, there isn't much else to look out at. You can head right to the School door (after getting your collectibles) and use the School key to unlock it. Unfortunately, the door is being caught against something inside. We will have to find a way to climb up through the gap instead. The school Barn has plenty of boxes we can use to stack up, but we'll need to collect them all.

Where to collect all the boxes in School Barn

We will only have a small gap view into the Barn but it's all we need to locate the boxes. There are 10 of them total. Use the image above and the list to help find them.

  • Box 1 - Directly to the right of the door
  • Box 2, 3, 4, 5 - Underneath the tarp to the left of the door
  • Boxes 6, 7, 8 - Behind the haystack
  • Box 9 - To the right of the fallen haystack
  • Box 10 - At the top next to the vases and pitchers

Once you have all the boxes, it will automatically stack them for you and allow you to climb up into the school.

Related: 10 Best Free Puzzle Mystery Games

Trilly Valley School

  • E1. Chalkboard
  • E2. Window
  • E3. Desk
  • E4. Locked door
  • E5. Movable chest
  • (Collectible) On the bench on the right side - Rune stone 7/8
  • (Morphing Objects) Pot on the floor in the center of the room 29/45

In the School, you can first move the chest blocking the front door, allowing easy entry or exit. Then, notice the locked door on the right side. We will need to complete the problem on the Chalkboard to get the code.

Where to find the Chalkboard pieces

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  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (40)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (41)
  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (42)

We're going to need to repair the Chalkboard to get the code we need. The missing pieces are hidden around the room, along with the piece of chalk. Here's where to get them:

  • Missing piece 1 - In the window
  • Missing piece 2 - On the desk on the right side of the school
  • Chalk - Inside the desk where we found the missing piece
  • Missing piece 3 - On the floor near where we found the morphing object

Once you have all the missing pieces and chalk, bring them to the board and place them down. Then you can begin solving the puzzle.

How to solve the Chalkboard puzzle

Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (43)

The goal of this puzzle is to count all the triangles that make up the pentagon. To do that, use the chalk to trace all the lines that make up a triangle. Once you trace one, it will add the number to the count and erase the chalk so it doesn't get in your way. If you trace one that was already counted it won't add a number. It's hard to show in an image where to find all triangles, so keep tracing until you get 35 of them total.

How to unlock the door in the school

Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (44)

With the number of traingles we got, 35, we can enter the code into the door lock. Although it requires three numbers, the code is as follows: 035

Once you open the door, there will be another brief cutscene. The beast ran off into the hills but we'll need a transport to chase after him. Thankfully, we know the perfect transport for job, the horse in the Stables. To ride the horse, we'll need to shod it first.

How to put horseshoes on the horse

To begin preparing the horse to ride, we'll first need to gather all the items and tools. First, grab the Casket box from the storage room on the ride side of the school we unlocked with the code. There will be a paper inside letting you know where one of the horseshoes is. Then you can begin your search.

Where to find all horseshoes items

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  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (46)
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  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (49)
  • Horseshoe 1 - Underneath the bricks by the fountain in the Schoolyard
  • Horseshoe 2 - In the covered boat we uncovered earlier
  • Horseshoe 3 - In the stable sign near the dock (Use the Set of tools to get it loose)
  • Horseshoe 4 - Near the Oat plants
  • Nails - In the chest of drawers

Once you have everything, head over to the horse and interact with its hoof. Place down your Nails and Horseshoes beside the stump. First, use your Sickle to clean out the horses' hoof. Then, select your Hammer and use it to nail on the horseshoes. Now the horse is ready to ride! Head back to the School and follow through the gap of the wall after the Beast.

Trilly Valley Mine Camp

  • F1. Anvil
  • F2. Camp - Climber's reminder note
  • F3. Tunnel gate - End of the rope
  • F4. Horse
  • (Collectible) On the rocks to the right - Rune stone 8/8
  • (Morphing Objects) Ship helm/shield hanging on the post near the anvil 30/45

To continue our chase after the beast we'll need to first find a way to raise the tunnel gate. Thankfully, the horse can help us do that.

How to open the tunnel gate

Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (51)

We can use the horse to help us open the tunnel gate, but it's going to require some items to help tie the rope to the saddle.

  1. Grab the End of rope from beside the Tunnel gate
  2. Take it to the Anvil and place it on it.
  3. Grab the metal bracket from above the Anvil
  4. Hammer the bracket around the rope
  5. Grab the nuts and bolts from the Camp table
  6. Place the but and bolt into the metal bracket
  7. Use the Tool set to tighten the bolt in

You'll receive the Rope loop. Now you can take it over to the horse and tie it around the saddle. This will open up the Tunnel gate and allow you to enter.

Where to find all the Climber's kit item

In the mine shaft, you'll find eveything you need for climbing equipment. You can use the Climber's reminder note to help you know exactly what you need. Place the note on the bench on the right to get started. There are 15 items in total and here's where to find them:

  1. Carabiner - On the crates at the top of the stairs
  2. Ascender - In the bench after solving the puzzle (See below)
  3. Rope - Underneath the bench
  4. Loops - Under the mine cart (Attach the mine handle and push it out of the way)
  5. Safety straps - Hanging near the top of the stairs
  6. Crampons - Stuck in the wall above the bench
  7. Ice ax - Above the wheels toward the bottom of the stairs
  8. Helmet - On the pile of rocks in the center of the area
  9. Fingerless gloves - In the crates at the top of the stairs (Dig out the crowbar to the left of the crates and use it to pry them open)
  10. Seat - Hanging on the beams on the top left
  11. Block roller - On the bench near the Climber's Reminder note
  12. Figure 8 - On the top right side connected to tight knots (Use the shears on the ground to cut them loose)
  13. Rock hook - In the water near the anvil (Connect the spear head to the shaft and use it fish it out)
  14. Climber's hammer - Behind the gear directly to the left side
  15. Cable - In the crate at the bottom of the stairs

How to solve the mining bench puzzle

Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (53)

This is another sliding puzzle like the ones we saw in Chapter 1. The goal is slide the pieces around until it forms the pattern. It's not too difficult to figure out but it can take some maneuvering to get the pieces in the right spots. See the image above for reference.

Once you have all the climbing equipment, you can begin your climb to the top of the hill. Select your Climber equipment for your Inventory and press on the hill to begin.

How to climb the hill

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  • Lost Lands 9 Walkthrough - Full Chapter 2 Part 2 Guide (55)

To climb up the hill you need to select the supports in order to get to the top. Some of them aren't secure and will make you start over again if you press on them. Check out the images above to help you reach the top.

Once you reach the top you have successfully completed Chapter 2! Maaron makes it just in time to save Folly from the Entity, as we saw from Folly's perspective in Chapter 1. In Chapter 3 we will see how Maaron and Folly can work together to stop the Entity from hurting anyone else. Continue to Chapter 3 right now!

Looking for other Lost Lands content in the meantime? Check out Lost Lands 7 Redemption Walkthrough or Lost Lands 6 Walkthrough – Mistakes of the Past!

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